Using Nature to Enhance Your Homeschool Lessons

Everyone seems to think you need to do this or that in your homeschool. More worksheets to test your child’s knowledge more whatever they are trying to push at the moment. But what if what your kids really need is more nature? If you want to add nature into your lessons it’s more about going back to how we learned before public schools came into the picture.

kids looking at something closely outside with Using Nature to Enhance Your Homeschool Lessons text overlay

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Using Nature to Enhance Your Homeschool Lessons

Nature-based learning is a true surge in education, but the traditional homeschool community has learned for years that taking time outside is essential for fostering our students’ learning.

Nature-based learning may also be conducted in a homeschool classroom when natural environments and educational elements have been made to take advantage.

Nature-Based Items

Homeschooling supplies can get costly when you start to add things like counting bears to your math curriculum. But here’s a better idea, go outside and collect things your child can use for counting instead. Including:

  • rocks
  • acorns
  • small sticks


There are some amazing curriculums out there that are nature inspired if not actually nature based!

Wild Learning – Wild Math® and Wild Reading™ Curriculums and a leading proponent of integrating the outdoors and natural materials with core academics.

Blossom & Root – secular, hands-on, creative, and adaptable curriculum. Now offer preschool through 5th grade, and Book Seeds (STEM-centered, nature-based mini-unit studies.)

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Natural Journaling

By keeping a nature journal, your kids will not only improve their writing skills but also develop a greater appreciation for the natural world around them. And who knows, maybe one day your journal entries will help scientists understand more about the plants and animals that live in your area!

Nature Walks

One of the best ways to learn about nature is to get outside and experience it firsthand. Nature walks are a great way to do this, and they can be easily incorporated into your homeschooling routine. This is something we always do, once our lessons are over for the day, we walk to the lake down the road.

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    More on Nature Based Homeschooling

    What is Nature-Based Homeschool?

    7 Reasons to Include Nature-Based Learning

    Nature-Based Homeschool Options

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